Sunday, March 29, 2009

Recognizing parallels, Embracing the difference; A new leadership

Sometimes I read something that reminds me to breathe easy because the mistakes of the past generations will not be repeated by the future generation of young people. The drive for more personal wealth and success is giving way to the collective good. Enjoy reading the answer to the college application question: "You have been elected the leader of a new populace. The future is in your hands. Outline a platform on environmental issues, education, and race and ethnicity".

I am THE woman, I can see the future. For me, no race or religious body is not worthy of respect. On the other hand, the world has been for too long focused on just the exterior, missing the true value of the interior person. The fact is that we are all born with the potential to be great or to rise to greatness when it is thrust upon us. Does it really matter what people look like when it comes down to the desire to achieve something great or to change something for the better? How will I bring my view of this new future to you?

First, I propose to level the playing field so that everyone has an equal chance to
achieve. How do I propose to level the playing field? You, the people, will each choose a colorful paint. Every day you must paint yourselves this color. It can be any color, as long as it is your favorite and you have a reason for "being" that color. Can you now discriminate based upon color? Can you now see the differences between people? Can you see now the cultural or the materialistic things that have been held higher than the value and morality of the person? I think not!

In my new regime, environmental issues will be nothing but child’s play. I will
educate and further enlighten the creative minds to fight back against the negative
thinkers of this world. Out of this euphoric state of mind, creative genius will appear. No problem will be impossible to solve, no great idea will be shelved because of special interest. The environment will be the “special interest” My belief is that WE ALL HAVE TO LIVE HERE, so where is the reverence for our home, the Earth. This is not magic; this is brainpower.

In my new populace, educational standards for my people will be the highest
pinnacle of human accomplishment. The educational system will realize the importance
of designing schools based upon the fact that we all don’t learn in the same way.
Everyone will have a special education plan, because we are all special not "SPED-cial".

Evaluations will take place based on the way a person learns not for what may work for the majority. Tests and compositions do not determine who is better prepared for one type of life. We need to be prepared to live diverse lives, because we are diverse people. My regime would be filled with open-mindedness in every crack of human life. We are not meant nor born to be singular creatures, but to live, love, and appreciate the beauty of which every person is capable. It is our collective job to recognize the parallels in our lives while embracing the differences.

I wish the world was even a fraction of my dreams. And in this way, I hope that
some of our collective color will rub off into the world to make it a little brighter.